Terraform: Getting Started with an Azure OpenAI Deployment

Terraform: Getting Started with an Azure OpenAI Deployment

While working on Open AI for the past few months, I found a Terraform module that really helped me get started with the Azure OpenAI component.

The module,Azure/openai/azurerm, has already been built with the intention of customisation, scalability, and security. As such, this becomes a great module.

In this blog, I will demonstrate how to use the module to deploy a public instance. Future blog posts will cover private network integration, adding a WAF, and further enhancements.

Public Instance Deployment

The instance we are deploying will be on the internet (public). I would recommend increasing security by restricting networks from accessing the instance, something I will cover in future posts.

Below is a sample module block I use to deploy an instance. This alone will deploy a working OpenAI instance in an existing resource group:

module "openai-uks" {
  source                        = "Azure/openai/azurerm"
  version                       = "0.1.3"
  location                      = "UK South"
  resource_group_name           = "Resource Group Name"
  account_name                  = "open-ai"
  sku_name                      = "S0"
  public_network_access_enabled = true
  deployment = {
    "gpt-3.5-turbo" = {
      name          = "gpt-35-turbo"
      model_format  = "OpenAI"
      model_name    = "gpt-35-turbo"
      model_version = "1106"
      scale_type    = "Standard"
      capacity      = 1
    "gpt-4-turbo" = {
      name          = "gpt-4-turbo"
      model_format  = "OpenAI"
      model_name    = "gpt-4"
      model_version = "1106-Preview"
      scale_type    = "Standard"
      capacity      = 1

Let's break down what I have done in this module:

  • Source - This is the location of the module we'll be using

  • Version - The version of the module we are going to use

  • Location - The location where we will deploy this resource. Please note that some models are not available in every region. You can find this by going to this resource.

  • Resource_group_name - The resource group name the resource will be logically located

  • Account_name - The name of the resource

  • Sku_name - The SKU you want to apply to the account.

  • Public_network_access_enabled - If the resources will be public accessible

  • Deployment - This is where you will want to specify the models you want to deploy

You will see I have two models configured for deployment. Here is a breakdown of one of them to explain how you configure it:

  • Name - The name you want to give your model. Can be anything

  • Model_format - The model format you want to use, so OpenAI is required here

  • Model_name - The name of the model. This can be GPT3.5, 3.5 Turbo, 4, etc...

  • Model_version - The version of the model you want to use. It is important to specify this to get specific releases, including preview/stable versions.

  • Scale_type - The scaling of the model

  • Capacity - Token capacity. This is in thousands, so 1 equals 1,000.


When this instance deploys, there will be a couple of values you will want. You can get these from the portal, or you can output them as part of Terraform. I recommend outputting the following to an Azure Key Vault:

  • module.openai-uks.openai_endpoint - This will be the endpoint address

  • module.openai-uks.openai_primary_key - This will be the primary key to authenticate with the instance

  • module.openai-uks.openai_secondary_key - This will be the secondary key to authenticate with the instance

These values will allow you to connect to the OpenAI APIs for development.

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