EntraID: Switch back to previous Audit Logs experience

EntraID: Switch back to previous Audit Logs experience

Can't search in new filters, so revert back to the old experience.


1 min read

Why change to legacy audit logs experience

The biggest flaw in the new Audit Logs experience is that the filters cannot search a value, resulting in manual scrolling.

New experience:

New filter experience with service expanded, showing no search input

Old experience:

Old filter experience with service expanded, showing search input

How to switch back

Within the Audit Logs window, a banner appears at the top:

Banner: Want to switch back to the legacy audit logs experience? Click here to leave the preview.

Click this banner to leave the preview.

You should go from this:

New filters

To this:

Old filters

How to go back to the new experience

Where the banner for legacy audit logs experience was before, you should now see a purple banner instead:

Click on the banner to go back to the new experience.

Is this permanent?

No, Microsoft will soon force everyone to the new experience, but customer feedback is encouraged to bring back changes like searching filters.